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Teach Your Children About Clean Eating for a Lifetime of Health Benefits

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You want the best for your children. That’s why you think about every important decision from where they will go to school to what food you put in their bodies.

In today’s world, there is so much information out there about healthy eating – how does it affect your children?

We’re breaking down why it’s important to teach your kids about clean eating and when you should start -- because what goes into your kid’s bodies matters.

Teaching Your Kids

The first step in teaching kids about clean eating is providing them the tools and information they need to make informed choices later in life.

Eating healthy doesn’t come intuitively; it is something that needs to be taught, just like learning how to read or how to ride a bike.

Some ways to impart this information is to get them involved in the kitchen. By teaching them how to cook (kids as young as two can help in the kitchen even if it’s just standing next to you and watching), providing choices when packing in their lunches, or planning your dinner menus, you are setting them up for a lifetime of healthy eating.

Start Them Young

Before your kids even have the ability to learn, you can teach by practicing what you preach. Your kids will absorb what you do, even when they’re babies. By watching you eat an orange for your afternoon snack instead of a bag of chips, they will file that information away for later -- when it’s time for them to choose their own meals and snacks.

Also, providing healthy, whole foods from the very first time they start eating will set the stage for later in life. Whether you choose to make your own baby food, buy baby food that only has simple, whole ingredients, or go the baby-led weaning route, make it a priority to offer only clean options and you will set the stage for future interactions.

Make it Fun

We are not suggesting that you serve your kids broccoli for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are many ways to make clean eating fun for kids. For creative ideas, we suggest visiting Pinterest, which is chock full of amazing ideas, including how to take an apple and make it into a caterpillar or turtle or car. 

Sometimes even changing what you call a food is enough to turn an ordinary orange into a fairy princess orange.

Making a Conscious Choice

There will be many times in your child’s life where throwing some junk food at the problem will seem a lot easier than sticking to your guns. As with anything, moderation is key, but at Tin Star Foods, we truly believe that by teaching your kids when they are young that eating whole and healthy is a priority, you will be setting them up for a lifetime of health and happiness. 





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