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Teach Your Children About Clean Eating for a Lifetime of Health Benefits
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Tin Star FoodsYou know clean eating is right for you, but is it right for your kids? Here are three ways to make clean eating an adventure the whole family can enjoy. You want the best for your children. That’s why you think about every important decision from where they will go to school to what food you put in their bodies. In today’s world, there is so much information out there about healthy eating – how does it affect your children?
We’re breaking down why it’s important to teach your kids about clean eating and when you should start -- because what goes into your kid’s bodies matters.
Benefits of Healthy Eating: 5 Food Philosophies
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Tin Star FoodsThere is so much information out there, opinions, rules, and do's and don'ts when it comes to healthy eating. So how do you know what food or protocol is right for you? We've started a list below in an effort to catalogue the most progressive food philosophies in one place, easy to read and analyze. What would you add to this list?